To maintain a high level of cleanliness in your home, you need air filters that are performing optimally by trapping dust and particles out of the air you breathe. Pollutant levels in your home are much higher than you think and that's why you need an air filter replacement company that knows when and how to replace. We recommend air filter replacement every 30 to 60 days, especially if anyone in your home suffers from allergies or asthma. With ineffective air filters, quality airflow becomes restricted as too much dust collects. Request an air filter inspection and our expert contractor will get the job done with minimum disruptions.
Replace your filters
Being experts in the air filter industry has equipped us with some valuable knowledge - how under-appreciated air filters are. They don't just filter out the particulates circulating through your home and lowerining the indoor air quality. They plus air vents serve as a barrier against larger objects like loose insulation that can be pulled into your HVAC system causing huge scale damage. From our experience, the number one cause of HVAC system failure is poorly maintained air filters - the fine mesh through which the air passes becomes denser as it traps dust, spores, dander, and mold. If you don't replace regularly, your air can't pass readily.
Effects of a dirty filter
If your air filter has reached its end-life, you are technically placing extra pressure on your HVAC system which leads to excessive wear and tear, plus, you are paying higher utility bills. Your HVAC system is, therefore, put at risk, as it could overheat due to sensors not working properly. Which is more affordable? Replacing your whole air conditioning system or your air filters? Because your air is not circulating quickly enough all of these particles end up settling in your ducts and on the surfaces around your home or business. This means that you will have to spend extra money on keeping your spaces dust-free and not even to mention scheduling an air duct cleaning service.
Benefits of regularly changing filters
Regularly replacing your air filters is an easy and affordable way to enhance the air quality of your living and working spaces especially if you have pets or if you suffer from allergies. We even have clients that have stop taken medication for allergies after our professional technicians have been changing their air filters on a regular basis. Maintaining your air filters can truly enhance the quality of your life. HVAC systems are expensive and can last a few years if they are well maintained. By not replacing your air filters, your HVAC system’s life cycle is shortened tremendously. Rather extend through using our excellent air filter replacement services.
Air filter replacement schedule
Your air filter replacement schedule will depend on various factors like how big your home or business property is. You might even have a vacation home that you don’t use as often. It all boils down to how regularly you use your HVAC system and if you have pets. The number of occupants at your property also needs to be considered when devising a replacement schedule. Do any of these occupants suffer from respiratory ailments? There is clearly no universal answer. Each client has got a unique situation and that’s why we have a questionnaire that can assess your circumstances and determine which replacement schedule best suits your air filter changing needs.
Air filters are essential for maintaining good air quality in your home or office. They help to remove dust, pollen, and other airborne particles, improving the overall air quality and reducing the risk of respiratory problems. Regularly changing your air filters is important to ensure they continue to work effectively. Our experts know all of this and more and this is what we do among many other HVAC related services. Give us a call our fill out our form to schedule your filter change today!